Available as studio, one-and two-bedroom homes, each featuring private balconies, fully furnished and curated by the creative talent behind NoMad and DesignAgency.
Studio / 1 Bath
Interior 479 Sf / 59 M2
Terrace 62 SF / 8 M2
Total 541 Sf / 67 M2
Studio / 1 Bath
Interior 464 Sf / 43 M2
Terrace 55 SF / 5 M2
Total 519 Sf / 48 M2
Studio / 1 Bath
Interior 624 Sf / 58 M2
Terrace 54 SF / 6 M2
Total 678 Sf / 63 M2
1 bed / 1 Bath
Interior 638 Sf / 59 M2
Terrace 82 SF / 8 M2
Total 720 Sf / 67 M2
1 Bed / 1 Bath
Interior 528 Sf / 49 M2
Terrace 75 SF / 7 M2
Total 603 Sf / 56 M2
1 Bed / 2 Bath
Interior 806 Sf / 75 M2
Terrace 81 SF / 8 M2
Total 887 Sf / 82 M2
2 bed / 2 Bath
Interior 830 Sf / 77 M2
Terrace 161 SF / 15 M2
Total 991 Sf / 92 M2
2 bed / 2 Bath
Interior 931 Sf / 86 M2
Terrace 195 SF / 18 M2
Total 1,126 Sf / 105 M2
2 bed / 2 Bath
Interior 804 Sf / 75 M2
Terrace 25 SF / 2 M2
Total 829 Sf / 77 M2
2 bed / 2 Bath
Interior 840 Sf / 78 M2
Terrace 25 SF / 2 M2
Total 865 Sf / 80 M2
The dimensions stated for this unit floor plan are approximate because there are various recognized methods for calculating the square footage of a unit. The square footage stated here is calculated from the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls to the centerline of interior demising walls without deductions for cutouts, curves, or architectural features. This method typically results in quoted dimensions greater than the dimensions that would be determined by using other accepted methods. The definition of “Unit” and the calculation method to be relied upon is set forth in the Developer’s prospectus and the method set forth in the Developer’s prospectus may result in a square footage calculation less than the method used here. Consult the Developer’s prospectus to understand the calculation of the Unit square footage and dimensions. Dimensions and Unit configuration may change during construction. Depictions of furnishings, fixtures and other items of personal property are not included with purchase.